Green House Cleaning Services

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There is a new cleaning company in town, and it is ideal for the Natural Awakenings Long Island reader. Michelle Spadafina, owner of All Clean Long Island, has been in the cleaning industry for more than 16 years. All those years, she has been cleaning homes and offices, yet with her experience and degree in holistic nutrition she knew that there had to be a better way. Spadafina has seen the effects of synthetic cleaning and petrochemicals and the links of these cleaning agents to everything from chronic fatigue syndrome to endocrine disruption disorders. No longer wanting to be a part of that “clean” cycle, Spadafina started All Clean Long Island—a cleaning company that uses specifically certified green products and a few of her own all-natural homemade cleaning agents.

All Clean Long Island’s cleaning crews are put through not only background checks and fingerprinting, but an additional training in the use of nontoxic, eco-friendly cleaning products that are safest for your home, family and pets. Spadafina says her company’s goal is to have the cleanest home or office possible without sacrificing health or eco-responsibility. She does this without an expected increase in cost; an average home cleaning ranges from $100 to $150, depending on the home’s needs.

For more information, call All Clean Long Island at 516-987-8388 or visit Call this month to take advantage of 50 percent off second cleaning upon becoming a customer. See ad on page 49.

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