by Anthony C. Mirro, CHHC, RMT, EFTP, and Mindy B. Pensig, CHHC, RMT
You may sometimes feel the victim of circumstances, and you are not alone. There is a way out of this victimhood, and here are some hints at knowing what you can do to be the creator and master of your own life. In changing your own life and circumstances, you become a blessing to the life of planet Earth.
So, you may asking, “How can I get started”? We will give you a few effective ideas to put into practice: Start each day with a smile and say out loud, “I am grateful for all the good in my life, and it’s a good day.” Say this three times with feeling and belief. Write a description of what you as an individual want to create in your life, then every day go over it and feel what it would be like if it were real. Finally, practice this affirmation: “I am expecting great things to happen on each and every new day. I am grateful that I have the God-given power to create my own life.”
For a Session with Anthony C. Mirro and Mindy B. Pensig—of the Total Life Transformation Zone—at the Inspired Soul, located at 187 E. Main St., in Huntington, call 516-935-0354 (office) or 516-513-4000 (mobile), or email [email protected]. Also visit Facebook: Wonderful Yoga and Meditation.