Cleansing Concepts Detox Spa is the very first to offer wellness cocoon treatments on Long Island! This state-of-the-art wellness pod delivers multiple therapies, including infrared heat therapy, salt therapy, aromatherapy, red light therapy, oxygen therapy, and vibration therapy—all in one. Users lie down in the bed, adjust the features, and enjoy private wellness sessions that last from 20 to 60 minutes.
Some benefits of the wellness cocoon include:
Cleansing: Research has repeatedly shown that sweating in a sauna can help cleanse the body of the toxic agents, such as lactic acid, sodium, and uric acid, that routinely accumulate in the body. Toxins stored in subcutaneous fat are released through perspiration.
Weight loss: Use Cleansing Concepts’ two-layer sauna suit system and watch the sweat pour.
Stress relief: Experience for yourself the tranquility that is the cocoon wellness sauna and watch the day’s stresses peel away.
Pain relief: Many of Cleansing Concepts’ guests have experienced relief from symptoms of such ailments as fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Sports recovery: Infrared sauna is essential in promoting muscle recovery, reducing tension and eliminating performance-inhibiting toxic burdens from the body. Infrared heat will also help in the reduction of lactic acids, allowing tight and worn-out muscles to relax.
Calorie burning: Not only do you burn calories while in the sauna, but the hyperthermic condition of the sauna promotes increased calorie burn for hours after each session. Six hundred calories or more can be burned from one sauna session.
Wound healing: Research has shown that infrared wavelengths aid in boosting cell regeneration.
Let Cleansing Concepts help you reach your wellness goals.
Cleansing Concepts is an exclusive detoxification facility with two Long Island locations (Garden City and Smithtown). For more information, visit