Biologic Root Canal Therapy Reinvented

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Root canal therapy has always been associated with a feeling of dread. The cost, the pain, and for the health-conscious individual, the toxins! Sadly, these are all very real concerns, which will be addressed in this article.

Root canal therapy can be associated with pain and suffering before, during and after treatment, and has even been called “worse  than natural childbirth.” This is often because the tooth has been left until it has become a dental emergency.

Regular dental exams and the use of 3-D digital dental scans can identify bone infections, abscesses and puss pockets around teeth as well as deep cavities infecting the nerve. By being proactive toward your dental health, you will be less prone to costly dental emergencies. When the nerve in the tooth becomes extremely inflamed and painful, or the tooth is badly infected, it may be difficult to get the tooth numb for a comfortable experience. Fortunately, advanced modern dental technologies, materials and techniques as well as a skillful hand can lead to a virtually pain-free experience after root canal therapy.

Removing the infected nerve and all pathogens leaves the tooth a bit more dry and brittle, requiring a protective tooth restoration so the tooth does not crack. Teeth without the nerve still function like the tooth was intended to by nature. It just doesn’t “feel anything” because the “alarm wires” to the brain have been removed from the tooth. So, the tooth is not “dead,” it’s just “nerveless.”

At Long Island (LI) Center for Healthier Dentistry, Dr. Alex Shvartsman has developed a revolutionary biologic root canal therapy technique. The tooth is first isolated by a latex- free rubber dam, which is a rubber shield that keeps saliva and other mouth contaminants away from the tooth during treatment. Complete disinfection is ensured by our triple- sterilization approach, which uses laser, ozone and irrigation disinfection. The photon laser PIPS protocol is confirmed by numerous studies to fully remove all bacterial and diseased nerve tissue from the main nerve trunk, all the nerve-side branches and even down to the dentin tubules inside the root. Ozone water and ozone gas disinfection is used to triple disinfect the tooth (just in case). In addition, the bio-ceramic sealer is itself antibacterial as it sets.

By sealing the tooth fully from both ends with safe, biologic materials and avoiding the leaky temporary fillings that most dentists place into teeth after root canal therapy, bacteria can no longer infect the tooth. Since all temporary fillings do not seal the tooth, bacteria can leak in and re-contaminate the tooth. A bonded restoration placed immediately after the root has been sealed and while the tooth is kept bacteria-free by the rubber dam is mandatory for long-term success.

For those patients that want to keep their natural teeth and are concerned by health ramifications from improperly disinfected and poorly sealed root canals, biologic root canal therapy at LI Center for Healthier Dentistry costs the same as conventional root canal, without all the worry, suffering and possible health effects.

For more information, call Dr. Alex Shvartsman at the Long Island Center for Healthier Dentistry at 631-361-3577 or visit

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