What Is Smudging?

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To smudge simply means to burn without a flame or any appearance of fire except smoke. Smudging is also often called “sageing.”

Have you ever entered a house or room that you thought had a bad vibe or just felt off? Negative energy can linger in a space, an item, or even a person, long after whatever caused it to be there has gone.

Spiritual cleansing with herbs or smudging is done to clear away negative energies, thoughts and bad feelings and to help clear one’s body aura. It is also done to protect against evil and negativity.

It is good to cleanse your home once in a while to adjust the emotional environment of your home and maintain peace. When you are moving to a new home or renting a place for a new office, it is good to have it blessed or cleanse it yourself to ward off negative energies and bring in positive vibrations. New items or furniture can be smudged before bringing them into your space.

When smudging your space, items or yourself, it’s all about the smoke. Light your sage or smudge stick and place it in a fireproof dish or abalone shell. Then disperse the smoke all around the item or the perimeter of each room, making sure to push the smoke into all corners and all around each doorway or window. Some fragrant smudges available are sage and lavender to bring in love and happiness, or sage and cedar to bring in harmony and blessing, or sage and pine for prosperity.

A variety of sages and smudge sticks are available at A Time for Karma, Metaphysical Boutique N. Village Rd, Rockville Center.

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