West East Serves Delicious and Conscious Fair

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When Jay Jadeja took charge of West East Bistro late last year, the goal was to provide a unique and healthy dining experience to Long Island guests. Jay wanted to offer foods that were greater not only in quality but in flavor and nutrition. In speaking with his wife, Raquel (a certified holistic health coach), he concluded grass-fed beef was the answer – along with all-natural hormone and antibiotic free and vegetarian fed meats.

Grass-fed cattle are nurtured in a way that conventional farming does not allow for. When it comes to health conscious carnivores, the difference is both eye opening and exciting.

Pasture grazing at their will, cows live in an environment free of stress. They have much higher nutrient content including high levels of vitamin D. Living on a diet of grass instead of grain maintains the health of the animals and reduces their fat content while enhancing the flavor. According to the Mayo Clinic, grass-fed beef contains higher omega-3 fatty acid levels, increased conjugated linoleic acid (a type of fat believed to reduce heart disease and cancer risks) as well as higher antioxidants including vitamin E. The end result is beef that is much more flavorful, much more nutritious and much greener!

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