Dr. Robert Kleinwaks is an expert performance coach and author, who practiced sports medicine and sports nutrition for more than 20 years and owned one of the largest health and wellness centers on Long Island, New York . He received his doctor of chiropractic degree in 1983, graduating magna cum laude, and has completed extensive post-graduate study on sports injuries, nutrition, and success principles.
Roughly seven years ago, Dr. Kleinwaks was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. A lymphoma so serious that oncologists told him there wasn’t a cure, but they could possibly control the cancer and hope for a remission. Kleinwaks knew then that he would have to find a way to heal himself and that the answer was to do it naturally and get to the “root of the problem.” For the next full year, Kleinwaks tried every conceivable natural therapy under the sun with little or no response. Against his beliefs, he eventually started the traditional chemotherapy treatments, but after three sessions with little response, he stopped.
With his back against the wall, he got a call from a dentist friend, who recommended that he remove all of his root canals and fillings, based on the assumption that they were not compatible with his body. With nothing to lose, Kleinwaks had them removed, had the necessary lab work done to determine what dental materials would be compatible, and had the dental work done. Seven weeks later, Kleinwaks had Cat scans performed and the tumors were gone. A tumor the size of a small football disappeared!
This experience motivated Kleinwaks to write a book and he started lecturing to sports groups and coaches, on the mental and nutritional steps needed to maximize health and performance naturally. He also started lecturing to big businesses, teaching them the same success principles, helping them to perform at their highest levels and creating excellence in their lives .
Kleinwaks’s book, The Sports Triad, teaches three universal principles that anyone, not just athletes, can use to maximize performance and strive to be their very best. All competition and performance in any sport or in life involves these three very important principles that Kleinwaks refers to as the Triad.
The three principles of the triad include; a nutritional component, a mental component, and last but not least a physical component. When it comes to the nutritional component of the triad, Kleinwaks focuses on how certain foods and supplements can affect an individual’s life by improving their energy, focus, endurance, sleep patterns and overall health. According to Kleinwaks, the mental aspect of the triad can be the trickiest. It’s this part that teaches people how to overcome self-limiting beliefs, how to be more positive, and how to deal with and react to stresses put on them by life and competition. The physical aspect of the triad focuses on what an individual sees when he/she looks in the mirror. This is often the thing that drives people to seek professional help. Usually human nature dictates that the physical is the first thing people want to change, but in reality, is the least important part of the triad. That being said, Kleinwaks believes it’s actually easier to work on the physical when people have mastered the nutritional and mental aspects of the triad.
Currently, Dr.Kleinwaks is working with top athletes, business professionals, coaches, parents and anyone interested in taking their health and life to a new level, by teaching them how to maximize health and performance naturally.
Source: Dr. Robert Kleinwaks is available for one-on-one or group coaching by appointment. For more information, call 516-200-5400 or visit EatAndThink2Win.com and mention Natural Awakenings to receive 20 percent off a one on one coaching session. Dr. Robert Kleinwaks is an expert performance coach and author, who has practiced sports medicine and sports nutrition for more than 20 years. He received his doctor of chiropractic degree in 1983, graduating magna cum laude, and has completed extensive post-graduate study on sports injuries and nutrition.