The Benefits of Water in Labor and Birth

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“As a practicing midwife who has attended hundreds of birthing women, I have seen firsthand the benefits of labor and birth in water,” explains Dale Cook, licensed midwife. “Water improves mobility, promotes relaxation, provides significant pain relief, conserves energy, gives mother a private, protected space, reduces perineal trauma, reduces cesarean section rates, and gives mother more feeling of control. The innate relaxation resulting from a warm bath lowers blood pressure, stimulates endorphins (the body’s own pain relief), which reduces anxiety and allows for a joyous birth experience. The only negative side effect is she gets wet!”

Babies also benefit from a water birth. Once the baby emerges from inside mom, she is brought to the surface and remains in mothers arms, cord attached, undisturbed. Since there is little change of temperature in this new watery environment, water babies are usually quiet, looking around and becoming aware of their world. Water birth offers babies a more peaceful journey from the womb to their mother’s arms.

Water birth is an option for any uncomplicated healthy pregnancy of at least 37 weeks gestation with spontaneous labor. When the labor is well-established prior to entry into the pool, immersion in water will enhance uterine contractions. Safety is always a top priority. Monitoring baby’s heart tones can easily be accomplished using a water proof doppler. Assessing progress can also be done with minimal interruption to the laboring mother.

Currently Nassau University Medical Center is the only facility on Long Island offering birth in water to expectant couples. Gaia Midwifery is planning renovations in 2013 that will incorporate this option into an in-hospital birthing center. Source: Dale Cook. For additional information, call 866-239-5445 or visit See ad on page 17.

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