Michael Berlin, DC, Introduces Club Reduce

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“What’s making me fat?” That’s an ongoing question posed by many Americans today. Is it hormones? The woman powerful strong happygut? Stress? Lack of exercise? Toxins? The type of food being consumed? Perhaps all of it.

Many Long Islanders are searching for a healthy, all-natural way to finally lose weight. Owner of the Family Wellness Center, in Plainview, Michael Berlin, DC, hopes he has found the solution with his Club Reduce program.

“This program is based on sound and time-tested nutritional principles to heal your digestive system, rebalance your hormones, detoxify your body, nourish your body, and permanently shrink and eliminate fat cells,” explains Berlin. According to Berlin, Club Reduce is a complete system that teaches people how to eat. There is step-by-step daily instruction; round-the-clock personal help; recipes; easy programs to stop emotional eating or reverse food addictions; and extraordinarily high- quality, natural supplements.

Berlin wants people to know this is not a diet or a gimmick; it is a program focused on reprogramming your body back to optimal health. Club Reduce focuses on the clients’ individual needs based on a unique system of analyzing each individual. He reports that people are losing five, 10, 50 and100 pounds or more, and real inches off all areas of the body—or specific problem areas—all by learning how to truly get their diet under control to stay healthy for life.

“My true goal here is to make this the last weight-reduction program a person ever goes on,” shares Berlin. “Once the client has lost the weight and understands how to incorporate whole foods and supplements into their life to nurture their body, they will be healthy.

They will be metabolizing their food appropriately. The weight loss from this program then is almost a side effect of a healthy body, a healthy metabolism.”

It’s an all-encompassing program that incorporates the eating of whole foods, 24-hour support from Berlin and his team, and specific supplements that your own body may be missing. Aside from whole foods and supplements, Club Reduce also addresses other issues, such as toxins and emotional relationships with food. Participants are often placed on the whole-body vibration machine and are scheduled for such spa services as detox body wraps. These modalities can pull and flush toxins out of the body, and can reduce inches as well. The emotional component is addressed as well by utilizing Berlin’s specific self-mastery program (SMT) that helps you reduce stress and eating triggers.

Location: 641-B Old Country Rd., Plainview. For more information, or to register to attend an upcoming weight-loss seminar, visit DrBerlin.WeightSeminar.com or call 844-LOSE123.

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