How to Help with Test Anxiety or Academic Stress

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Many students suffer from test anxiety or academic stress. These can affect students in all grades and at all ages. Stress can be related to homework, tests and exams, grades, projects, papers and more. Paulette Nadel, EdD says that parents often ask her about ways to reduce test anxiety and stress. She has provided some helpful tips below.

Be Prepared. Students that are more organized and have better study habits tend to be less stressed. Prioritizing assignments, along with keeping a calendar of upcoming exams and projects can be very helpful. A regular homework routine can reduce stress as well.

A Good Night’s Sleep. A restful sleep is very important in reducing stress in students. Once again, a regular routine is helpful. Unfortunately, when students are stressed, they may have more difficulty sleeping. Taking time to relax before bed can help with this.

Building Confidence and Visualizing Success. When students are better prepared they feel more confident. They often will be able to visualize themselves doing better on exams and assignments.

Nadel says there are many ways to reduce stress in students. “Exercise and sports activities are great ways to relieve anxiety. Also, just as with adults, breathing exercises can help students as well. Breathing exercises can be done almost anywhere and simply take a few minutes. They are especially effective before tests and exams. Breathing exercises before bedtime can even help students have a more restful sleep.”

Music also can be a great stress reducer for students, says Nadel. “Listening to music before exams can help students relax. Upbeat music can help lift students’ emotions. Some students like to listen to soft music while studying. This can be calming as well.

Journaling can be a helpful stress and anxiety reducer, too. When students keep daily journals, they have an outlet for their emotions and thoughts. Putting their thoughts on paper eliminates dwelling on them internally and can effectively reduce anxiety.”

The most important thing for parents to remember, says Nadel, is to be aware of stress and anxiety in students. “As long as parents are aware and watchful the test anxiety and academic stress can be more easily managed.”

Source: Paulette Nadel, EdD. For more information, call 516-445-2104 or visit See ad on page XX.

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