As a person who finds herself constantly searching for proof that there is something that waits for us after death, I was curious to speak to someone who has proven for himself, and others, that loved ones who have passed are still with us. My interview with John Edward began with questions that I believe would be interesting to our readers. We discussed nutrition, exercise, meditation, and mediums.
I was interested to hear that Edward is a self-described, point counting Weight Watchers® enthusiast. Upon turning forty, Edward noticed that the pounds were harder to lose and his pants were getting tighter. On what he describes as a dare from his friend Char Margolis and his wife, he began to count points. “I was very, very resistant. I went online and began educating myself about what the points are and I thought, ‘this is ridiculously easy,’ and I ended up losing thirty pounds.” Edward states that it works for him primarily because he doesn’t feel deprived.
Edward agreed that there is more to the health equation than just food and that fitness is equally important. He discussed working out with famed-celebrity trainer Scooter Honig, located right here on Long Island. Edward admits in his charming tongue-in-cheek way, “For me, it’s not fun to run on the treadmill. Not even a little bit. I don’t have that. You know how some people get the runner’s high, and they love that? Yeah, I am still waiting for that. I don’t get that!”
Edward spends his time with Scooter doing a lot of cardio, weights and even breathing. “Apparently I am not a good breather,” Edward laughs. For Edward, fitness and nutrition are a family experience. As we discussed the importance of health and wellness Edward states, “My mom died when she was 48.” It seems this event may be the impetus to his health quest and perhaps his desire to help many deal with, and gradually accept, the loss of a loved one
Edward is different than some of the mediums we see today on T.V. in that he will not read someone randomly on the street. He credits his mentor for his style. She expressed to him when he was very young, “Just because I have the ability to look into someone’s energy and to look into their life, that doesn’t mean I should.” Edward recalls an early book signing where a woman literally rushed to the front of the line, charging towards him with her arms filled with pictures. When she reached him she pointed to the photos saying, “That’s my mom, tell me she is okay. Please tell me she is okay.”
Edward tells me this woman’s mother did not come through, he didn’t read her. Instead he looked at her and said, “I can’t do that. I can tell you what I believe. I believe that our family and friends who have crossed over are okay and that they are at peace, and that they are connected to us—that they are still watching over us.” Perhaps because he was speaking from a place of knowledge, those words provided her some peace. Edward has had years of amazing experiences to credit and validate that belief. He stresses the importance of the appropriate time and place for his readings and the middle of a crowded bookstore, for him, was neither.
Recently The Long Island Medium has become famous reading strangers on the street so naturally, I wanted to know what Edward thought about Theresa Caputo. Edward answered honestly, “I think The Long Island Medium is great. She is doing so much to advance us. My style is different and comes from a different place. All styles are good; every medium works differently.” By being out there in the mainstream, Edward states, “she keeps the awareness that this real.”
Many wonder how Edward is able to function with the constant flow of information in his mind. Can he turn it off? The answer is yes. Edward relies on prayer and meditation. He grew up catholic so he often prays the rosary. Another technique he uses is to meditate in the shower using the water as a tool. Edward says those strategies have helped him remain “off” 90 percent of the time
Edward acknowledges the desire people have to become engaged in the metaphysical discussion with him at a more intimate level. To answer this demand he has created a membership group called The Five. Members of The Five have access to his monthly broadcast and are part of a group that can submit questions to him. In addition, five people from the group each month are chosen at random to receive phone readings and tickets to his shows. This year he will be having two shows just for members of The Five that will be filmed for broadcast.
I enjoyed speaking with John and, as a person who is searching for validation about peace and connection after death, my conversation with Edward provided a glimmer of hope that it exists.
John Edward will be at Tilles Center for the Performing Arts on Tuesday April 9th and 10th. For tickets to upcoming group seminars and to learn more about The Five go to